
CDN HLS Streaming for OTT video

Latest Update: 20/10/2023

CDN HLS Streaming for OTT video

For media companies or businesses such as OTT TV and entertainment, there is a constant need to engage audiences through online videos. Therefore, the search for solutions to support video on demand or effective live video streaming is a top concern. Join VNETWORK to learn about CDN HLS Streaming dedicated solution for OTT video in this article.

HTTP Live Streaming (HLS)

HLS streaming is also known as HTTP Live Streaming (HLS). This is the most commonly used streaming video protocol today. HLS is also understood as an Adaptive Bitrate Delivery service (distributing video bitrates that have been split at many different quality levels).

HLS makes live streaming with the HTTP protocol easier while ensuring the best video experience for clients on any device, anytime and anywhere.

CDN HLS Streaming for OTT video

Streaming Video with almost zero latency is the leading competitive factor in OTT businesses

The specific benefits of HLS streaming are as follows:

Number 1: Since every firewall or proxy platform supports HTTP traffic, HLS streaming can better transmit video to viewers, thanks to the HTTP protocol that works.

Number 2: Most users use smart devices of Apple to watch videos, these devices are well received HLS streaming streams.

Third: Web players such as JW Player or Flowplayer, which require a Flash-based version to run RTMP streaming, are no longer popular. All have switched to using HTTP, a protocol inherent in HLS.

Fourth: HLS streaming nowadays also supports clients to watch videos on Android devices, just like Apple’s.

CDN HLS Streaming with Lowest Latency

HLS supports all Servers

Regardless of streaming VOD (Video on demand) or live streaming, HLS streaming is based on HTTP protocol, so any web server can be used for streaming.

CDN HLS Streaming for OTT video

Process VOD (video on demand) Transcoding

CDN HLS Streaming for OTT video

Process Video Live Streaming Transcoding

There are two main processing processes that occupy the server’s capacity:

  1. Encoding : the videos will be reformatted, to ensure compatibility with all video formats, on users’ online video viewing devices. Therefore, HLS must use H.264 or H.265 to perform the video encoding.

  2. Segmenting : the video will be divided into small segments with lengths of about a few seconds. Although the standard is 10 seconds, the length of these segments can also be customized upon request …

In addition to dividing video segments, HLS also creates an index file of these video segments to store the order of their positions.

HLS also creates copies of these segments with different quality levels such as 480p, 720p, 1080p,…

HLS supports the distribution of video content

The encoded video segments will be sent to the client’s device over the Internet when they request the streaming content. The streaming content can be VOD or live streaming, hosted on the corporate website. And of course, it is necessary to use more CDN technology, to support the fastest distribution of this streaming content. CDN supports the streaming of content formats such as video. MP4 / HLS / MPEG-DASH,… These are the popular video file formats in today’s video player.

HLS supports all client devices

When users use devices such as smartphones or laptops with internet connections, they will rely on the index file index to play the video in the correct sequence. In addition, the quality of the video can also convert from high to low as needed.

Are you looking for a CDN video streaming service provider dedicated to your business’s live streaming? Learn about VNCDN’s video CDN service.

CDN HLS streaming for OTT video

VNCDN is one of the largest CDN service providers in Asia, with a high-security platform, and a global CDN network system. The CDN system of VNCDN spans 23 countries, ensuring that viewers all over the world can receive fast and quality video streaming.

VNCDN specifically supports various types of services such as Live event streaming, RTMP streaming, and HD video on demand. VNCDN ensures speeding up media and accelerating live video streaming, reaching global users effectively and securely.

VNCDN also includes services on Cloud storage video, Encoding video, and Streaming with all different internet statuses. Ensure fast, safe, and reliable video streaming.

VNCDN is used by thousands of businesses in such fields as start-ups, streaming, e-commerce, gaming, and OTT video… Increasing the speed of streaming video content to end viewers, ensuring streaming from time to time.

CDN HLS Streaming for OTT video

VNCDN has LSA for live streaming video less than 3s

If you have any questions regarding HLS Streaming service, website security, Anti-DDoS, or Data Center service,… please leave a message, our experts will assist you.

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