
What is CDN? Benefit of using it

Latest Update: 18/11/2023

What is CDN? Benefit of using it

CDN (Content Delivery Network) is a content delivery network that accelerates Websites and protects Web Servers from network attacks. If you are looking for what is a CDN? How does a CDN improve page load times and how does a CDN dilute targeted DDoS attacks? Please read this article.

Learn about CDN

CDN stands for Content Delivery Network. The CDN system consists of a group of servers spread across many geographical areas, these servers store copies of the original server’s data, then redistribute it to users when they need to access the data. Whether. CDN makes your web service faster and less susceptible to DDoS traffic attacks (DDoS Layer 3/4). It also helps protect your web content with an anti-theft link token feature.

CDN is often used to cache static data files like Bootstrap, jQuery, etc. thereby reducing the burden of access requests to the origin server. In addition, geographical distance also greatly affects the delay in web data transmission. Therefore, most of the major CDN providers have servers around the globe so that the CDN servers can better respond to data from users than the enterprise’s original server.

CDN allows users to watch movies, download software, check bank balances, post information on social networks or make purchases without waiting. You can think of a CDN as an ATM on every corner, helping you get money quickly. You don’t have to wait in long lines in the bank, because ATMs are located in many convenient locations to give you instant access.

Learn more: CDN and basic knowledge about CDN

How is CDN different from a Web Server?

While a CDN does not cache content and cannot replace the need for proper web hosting, it does help cache content at the network edge, which improves website performance. Many websites struggle to meet their performance needs with traditional hosting services, which is why they choose a CDN.

By using caching to reduce storage bandwidth, help prevent service interruptions, and improve security, CDNs are a popular choice for alleviating some of the key problems that come with hosting. traditional web.

Basic benefits of CDN

More and more businesses are adopting CDN to reach content to global audiences through Websites or applications. This is because CDNs provide businesses with many benefits including the ability to deliver content quickly and seamlessly. Here are the 4 basic benefits of a CDN:

CDN improves page load times

CDN helps speed up the website

CDN helps speed up the website

When it comes to websites that load content, users quickly leave when a website has a slow loading speed. Therefore, a CDN service can help reduce website load times as follows:

  • Reduce the gap between users and website resources with a globally distributed CDN network. Instead of having to connect to a website’s origin server, a CDN allows users to connect to a data center closer. Less travel time means faster service.

  • Optimize hardware and software to help data reach users faster.

  • Reduce file size : CDNs can reduce the amount of data transferred by reducing file sizes with tactics such as minification and file compression. Smaller file sizes mean faster load times.

  • Optimized connection reuse : CDN helps speed up websites using TLS/SSL certificates by optimizing connection reuse and enabling TLS false start.

CDN reduces bandwidth costs

Every time the origin server responds to a request, bandwidth is consumed. See how a CDN cuts root requests and reduce bandwidth costs:

First of all, “bandwidth” is the amount of data going to or from the web host. As a result, web hosting does not result in “bandwidth” costs, but data transmission costs. A certain amount of data in each period (per month) is delivered by the hosting provider. Typically, the provider will charge input (data coming in) or output (data going out), whichever is higher.

When a user visits a website, their browser loads the content over the Internet. If the site does not use a CDN, all content will have to come from one origin server, meaning that every time the site loads, HTTP requests will go to the origin server and the content will come from the same server. there. The more times this happens, the more data is transferred, resulting in higher costs for the site operator.

Most CDNs charge a fee for their service, but the optimal cost of transferring data from the origin server will often outweigh the cost of using the CDN.

VNCDN provides CDN services with the largest bandwidth in Vietnam to help optimize content delivery quickly. Learn how VNCDN’s CDN speeds up website performance.

CDN save bandwidth

CDN save bandwidth

CDNs increase availability and redundancy

One of the key characteristics of a CDN is its ability to keep website content online against common network problems including hardware failure and network congestion. By load-balancing Internet traffic, using intelligent failover, and maintaining servers across multiple data centers, CDNs are designed to avoid network congestion and be resilient. when the website is down.

A good CDN minimizes downtime thanks to several features:

  • Load balancing distributes network traffic evenly across several servers, making it easy to scale up to rapidly increase traffic.

  • Smart failover provides uninterrupted service even when one or more CDN servers go offline due to hardware failure, failover can redistribute traffic to active servers other motions.

- Anycast Routing : In the event of an entire data center experiencing technical problems, Anycast routing will redirect traffic to another available data center, ensuring that no users lose permissions. access the website.

CDN improves website security and dilutes DDoS

Information security is an integral part of a CDN. CDNs can keep websites secure with TLS/SSL certificates. This certificate will ensure a high standard of authentication, encryption, and integrity. Prevent security concerns around CDNs and find ways to deliver content securely.

Like all networks exposed to the internet, a CDN must protect the website against pipeline attacks, data breaches, and targeted distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks. . CDNs have many features that help mitigate vulnerabilities including SSL/TLS encryption and dedicated encryption hardware.

One of the most serious security vulnerabilities of web properties on the modern Internet is the use of DDoS attacks. Over time, DDoS attacks have increased in size and complexity , with attackers using botnets to target websites with attack traffic.

CDN protect website

If your site is the target of a DDoS attack, a CDN will help ensure that attack traffic doesn’t reach the origin server. If a server is hit with more traffic than it can handle, the CDN simply sends the traffic to other CDN servers. Your website will always perform at its best.

A large and properly configured CDN with the potential benefit of scale will be an important factor in protecting a website against DDoS.

With the ability to cover data centers and large amounts of bandwidth, a CDN with the largest infrastructure capacity in Vietnam like VNCDN will help reduce targeted DDoS attack traffic.

If you have any questions regarding what is a CDN, how does a CDN help dilute DDoS attacks? If you want to experience the number 1 CDN service in Vietnam, please reach out to us via our hotline: (028) 7306 8789 or

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