
How to choose a high-speed Cloud VPS

Latest Update: 20/10/2023

How to choose a high-speed Cloud VPS

If you are wondering in choosing a Cloud VPS (Virtual Private Server), this article can help you understand how to choose a high-speed Cloud VPS.VNETWORK will discuss with you the factors to consider before buying Cloud VPS from providers.

What is Cloud VPS?

Cloud VPS, also known as Cloud Server, is a form of virtual server on the cloud platform, used for purposes such as hosting for Web systems, or Mail Server, or other needs. Each Cloud VPS is a system consisting of CPU, RAM, hard drive/storage, IP address and completely separate operating system. Cloud VPS works based on virtualization technology as its name implies, users can fully manage the server with root or administrator rights.

How to choose a high-speed Cloud VPS

1. RAM

RAM is a criterion for choosing Cloud VPS which is very important for your service or application.

As a general rule, the more programs running concurrently on your Cloud VPS, the more RAM your server needs. So, the more RAM Cloud VPS has, the higher the work performance. However, it will be a waste if in case you buy too much RAM beyond what your services need.

The amount of RAM depends on the service you use on Cloud VPS, and requires you to have a lot of experience in managing Cloud VPS to accurately determine these parameters.

2. Storage

The storage capacity of Cloud VPS is also an important criterion that you need to consider. This factor depends on your application or mode of operation.

In a word, if your website is a forum with thousands of concurrent users posting, editing posts, then you probably need a lot of storage space with an SSD hard drive for the reading or writing process to take place. out faster and smoother.

If your website does not require a high read or write speed, then you can choose Cloud VPS with HDD to save costs.

3. Bandwidth

Bandwidth is a parameter indicating the maximum download and download capacity of a VPS in a second and is usually measured statistically by month.

With a typical VPS, the actual usage ranges from a few Mbps to several tens of Mbps.

If your websites have traffic less than 10,000 times / day, then you should choose a bandwidth of about 20Mbps. With 50,000 traffic/day, you’ll need speeds of 100Mbps or more.

4. Operating system

This again depends on your application or service, but mainly when it comes to web hosting, most VPS will use Linux like CentOS or Ubuntu. For websites that work with PHP and MySQL, a VPS using the Linux operating system is a perfect choice.

If your website uses ASP.Net source code, then you will need a VPS using Windows operating system. In case you need a remote desktop environment using Windows, then Cloud VPS Windows will be your choice.

5. Uptime

Uptime is the time the server (server) operates continuously, without problems leading to interruptions.

No one wants to use a service that is frequently down or inaccessible. Most VPS services on the Cloud platform will give you a guarantee of uptime, so you also need to keep this factor in mind when choosing VPS from providers.

>>> Information about VPS services at VNETWORK

Contact us for advice and support on Cloud VPS service packages as well as available offers at VNETWORK. Hotline: (028) 7306 8789

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